Pst.. you want to check the discount code at the bottom of this post ;) Kurkkaa alennuskoodi tekstin lopusta ;)
Thank you all who participated and all your nice comments! 123 all together, wow!
And the winner is Charlotte! Congratulations! She wrote:
charlotte10. toukokuuta 2013 15.51
love the button. Thanks for the chance.
I have contacted her and these buttons will be on their way on Monday :)
Kiitos kaikille osallistujille ihanista kommenteista ja mukana olosta! 123 osallistujaa jei!
Voittaja on Charlotte! Onneksi olkoon! Hänelle lähtee nämä napit maanantaina :)
Did you know? You can now order buttons also from outside of Finland. If your country doesn't yet show in the drop down menu, let me know and I'll add it there :)
And to celebrate one year of Polkapony buttons there's a 10% discount with the code ONEYKSI on all the buttons on the shop! The discount doesn't include postage fees and is valid through the 25. May 2013.
Ja juhliaksemme Polkkaponin yhden vuoden mittaista taivalta on kaupassa kaikki napit 10% alennuksella koodilla ONEYKSI! Alennus ei koske postikuluja ja on voimassa 25.5.13 asti.